Appendix A: Operational status of CACs/CYACs

All 35 CACs/CYACs are included in this table.

CAC/CYAC Operational level Model Areas served Ages served
British Columbia
Big Bear CYAC (Society) Operational Coordinated site-approach Urban and rural 2–18+
Chilliwack CYAC Feasibility study N/A N/A N/A
Langley CYAC In development N/A N/A N/A
Oak CYAC Operational Site-approach Urban and rural 0–19
Raven's Nest Child and Youth Advocacy Center Operational Site-approach Urban and rural 2–18
Safe Kids & Youth (SKY) Coordinated Response Operational Rural/virtual approach Rural only 0–19
Sophie's Place CYAC Operational Site-approach Urban only 0–15
The CAC of Kelowna Operational Site-approach Urban and rural 0–19
Treehouse Vancouver CYAC Operational Site-approach Urban only 0–18
Victoria CYAC Operational Site-approach Urban only 3–18
Caribou Child and Youth Centre Operational Site-approach Urban and rural 3–18
Chinook CYAC In development N/A N/A N/A
Luna Child and Youth Advocacy Centre Operational Site-approach and mobile approach Urban and rural 0–18
South Eastern Alberta CAC (Sanare Centre) Operational Site-approach Urban and rural 0–17
Zebra CYAC (Society) Operational Site-approach Urban and rural 3–18 and adults with special needs
Little Bear Child & Youth Advocacy Centre Feasibility study N/A N/A N/A
Regina Children's Justice Centre Operational Site-approach Urban only 0–16
Toba Centre for Children & Youth Inc Operational Site-approach Urban and rural 3–18
Boost CYAC Operational Site-approach Urban only 0–17
Cedar Centre In development N/A N/A N/A
CYAC - Waterloo Region Operational Site-approach and mobile approach Urban and rural 2–18
CYAC of Nipissing District Operational Site-approach Northern 0–18
CYAC Simcoe Muskoka Operational Site-approach and mobile approach Urban and rural 3–24
Koala Place CYAC Operational Site-approach Urban and rural 0–18 and vulnerable adult victimsa
Kristen French CAC Niagara Operational Site-approach Urban and rural 3–16
Lanark CYAC Operational Site-approach and mobile approach Rural only 0–18
Windsor Essex CYAC Operational Site-approach Urban and rural 0–18
Centre d'appui aux enfants et à la jeunesse Marie-Vincent Operational Site-approach and virtual approachb Urban and rural 0–18
Services Intégrés en Abus et Maltraitance (SIAM) Operational Site-approach Urban and rural 0–17
New Brunswick
Kit's Place CYAC In development N/A N/A N/A
Nova Scotia
SeaStar CYAC Operational Site-approach Urban and rural 3–18+
Newfoundland and Labrador
North Star CYACc Operational Site-approach Urban and rural 0–18
Yukon Virtual CYAC (formerly Lynx)d In development N/A N/A N/A
Kitikmeot Friendship Society CYAC Operational Site-approach Northern 0–18
The Umingmak Centre Operational Site-approach Northern 0–19

a For example, human trafficking victims, victims with mental health needs and adults with developmental disabilities.

b The virtual approach is primarily used for clinical services and MDT meetings on specific cases.

c North Star CYAC is currently in development. However, at the time of the survey data collection, the Centre was operational and as a result, North Star CYAC was counted as an operational centre throughout this report.

d Note that Yukon Virtual CYAC was in the process of changing their name during the data collection period.