Sentencing Commissions and Guidelines

Sentencing Guidelines and Commissions

Sentencing Commissions and Guidelines - Text version

Sentencing Commissions and Guidelines

This infographic presents data collected via the 2017 National Justice Survey (NJS) which explored sentencing guidelines and commissions (N=2,019).

What is the best way to determine a fair sentence?

71% indicated that the best approach to determining a fair sentence is to provide guidelines while still allowing for a judge’s discretion.

Consistency in sentencing

Sentencing commissionsFootnote 1

A pie chart that displays 74% with a discerption to the right: 74% believe that sentencing commissions would make sentencing more consistent. 

Sentencing guidelinesFootnote 2

A pie chart that displays 83% with a discerption to the right: 83% believe that sentencing guidelines would make sentencing more consistent.

Sentencing commissions – 69%

Set sentencing guidelines – 81%