Criminal Justice Outcomes in Intimate and Non-intimate Partner Homicide Cases

Table 4.10: Multivariate Analysis Examining Criminal Justice Outcomes by Type of Homicide for Three Time Periods, Reduced Sample, Toronto, Ontario, 1974-2002

Time Period - 1974-1983
First degree murder charge Case sent to trial Found guilty at trial Overall conviction Murder conviction Type of sentence Length of sentence
b Odds b Odds b Odds b Odds b Odds b Odds b
Intimate partner -.60 .55 -1.25** .29 -.43 .65 .01 1.1 -2.22* .11 1.31 3.71 -.47
(.46) (.47) (.54) (.45) (.88) (.79) (.94)

Time Period - 1984-2002
First degree murder charge Case sent to trial Found guilty at trial Overall conviction Murder conviction Type of sentence Length of sentence
b Odds b Odds b Odds b Odds b Odds b Odds b
Intimate partner -.61 .54 -.76* .47 1.85** 6.33 2.3*** 7.60 .31 1.36 -.87 .42 -.60
(.32) (.30) (.53) (.46) (.44) (.69) (.50)

a Non-intimate partner homicide is the reference category for both time periods.

Note: All control variables are included in the above models. Standard errors are in parentheses. *p<.05 **p<.01 ***p<.001