Firearm Statistics: Updated Table


Table 7. Firearms Reported Missing, Stolen, and Recovered, 1994–2004 Number [1]
YEAR Missing Stolen TOTAL Recovered
1994 1,375 5,130 6,505 2,432
1995 9,818 4,792 14,610 2,119
1996 7,445 4,409 11,854 1,455
1997 2,253 4,183 6,436 1,265
1998 2,219 3,613 5,832 1,350
1999 2,166 3,378 5,544 1,622
2000 1,122 2,733 3,855 1,889
2001 932 2,706 3,638 1,379
2002 858 4,090 4,948 1,879
2003 2,083 4,607 6,690 1,270
2004 846 4,785 5,631 628

SOURCE: Canadian Firearms Centre: Report, Commissioner of Firearms

[1] As of December 1, 1998, it is a criminal offence under Section 105(a) of the Criminal Code to fail to report the loss or theft of any firearm (previous to that date, it was an offence to fail to report the loss or theft of restricted weapons only).