Exploring the Link between Crime and Socio-Economic Status in Ottawa and Saskatoon: A Small-Area Geographical Analysis

Table 3.2 - Selected Crime Statistics: Ottawa and Saskatoon
Ottawa-Gatineau CMA (Ontario Portion)
Actual Incidents Rate per 100,000 population
2001 2002 2003 2001 2002 2003
Total Criminal Code Incidents and Federal Statute Incidents (Exc. Traffic). 50,049 52,762 54,820 5,899 6,139 6,325
Total Crimes of Violence 6,431 6,288 6,540 758 724 754
Assault (total) 5,485 5,331 5,583 646 620 644
Robbery 883 788 865 104 91 100
Total Property Crimes 28,565 30,636 31,229 3,366 3,564 3,603
Break & Entering 5,217 5,346 5,749 615 622 663
Theft – Motor Vehicle 4,158 4,125 3,481 490 480 401
Theft under $5000 15,579 17,244 17,737 1,836 2,006 2,046
Total - Other Criminal Code 15,053 15,898 17,051 1,774 1,849 1,967
Mischief Under $5000 (property damage) 6,638 6,974 7,390 782 811 852
Total – Federal Statutes 1,557 1,785 1,369 183 207 158
Drugs 1,401 1,642 1,154 165 191 133

Saskatoon CMA
Actual Incidents Rate per 100,000 population
2001 2002 2003 2001 2002 2003
Total Criminal Code Incidents and Federal Statute Incidents (Exc. Traffic) 30,845 31,097 37,596 12,972 13,018 15,164
Total Crimes of Violence 3,838 3,815 4,146 1,614 1,597 1,718
Assault (total) 3,270 3,245 3,351 1,375 1,358 1,388
Robbery 529 522 739 222 218 306
Total Property Crimes 15,255 15,215 19,250 6,416 6,369 7,974
Break & Entering 4,160 3,938 5,028 1,749 1,648 2,082
Theft – Motor Vehicle 1,309 1,271 1,795 550 532 743
Theft under $5000 7,816 8,117 10,311 3,287 3,398 4,271
Total - Other Criminal Code 11,752 12,067 13,209 4,942 5,051 5,472
Mischief Under $5000 property damage) 4,418 4,132 5,139 1,858 1,729 2,128
Total – Federal Statutes 917 1,111 991 386 465 410
Drugs 673 721 678 283 301 281