Exploring the Link between Crime and Socio-Economic Status in Ottawa and Saskatoon: A Small-Area Geographical Analysis

Table 4.1 - Study # 1 - Ottawa Dissemination Areas
Crime and Census Variables

Criminal Offence Variables, 2001 (rate per 1,000 population) Acronym
1. Total Offences TOTAL_OFF
2. Violent VIOLENT
3. Major Property MAJOR_PROP
4. Minor Property MINOR_PROP
5. Drugs DRUGS
6. Disturbance/Other DIST_OTHER

Socio-Economic Variables, 2001 Census Acronym
1. Percent of total population that is aged 15 to 24 TOT_YOUTH
2. Percent of total population that are immigrants TOT_IMM
3. Percent of total population that are recent immigrants (1996-2001) REC_IMM
4. Percent of total population that are visible minorities VIS_MIN
5. Average income (2000) AVG_INC
6. Average family income (2000) AVG_FAM_INC
7. Percent of population aged 15+ living in low income (2000) LOW_INC
8. Labour force participation rate LFP_RATE
9. Unemployment rate UNEMP
10. Youth unemployment rate (aged 15-24) YOUTH_UNEMP
11. Percent total population aged 1+ that has moved during past year MOVERS_1_yr
12. Percent total population aged 15+ that is single SINGLE
13. Percent total population aged 15+ that is married MARRIED
14. Percent of total census families that are lone-parent families LONE_PARENT
15. Percent of occupied private dwellings that are owned DWEL_OWNED
16. Percent of occupied private dwellings that are rented DWEL_RENTED
17. Percent of occupied private dwellings built before 1961 OLD_HOUSE
18. Percent of occupied private dwellings that are houses HOUSE
19. Percent of occupied private dwellings that are row houses ROW_HOUSE
20. Percent of occupied private dwellings that are apartments in high-rise buildings (five or more storeys) APT_HIGH_RISE
21. Percent of occupied private dwellings that are apartments in low-rise buildings (fewer than five storeys) APT_LOW_RISE
22. Average number of persons in private households AVG_PERS_HSLD
23. Percent of youth not attending school YOUTH_NO_SC
24. Percent of population aged 20+ without a high school diploma NO_HS_DIP
25. Percent of population aged 20+ with a college diploma COLLEGE_DIP
26. Percent of population aged 20+ with a university degree UNIV_DEGREE