Exploring the Link between Crime and Socio-Economic Status in Ottawa and Saskatoon: A Small-Area Geographical Analysis
Table 4.6 - Study # 3 – Comparison of Ottawa – Saskatoon Neighbourhoods
Variables used Ottawa and Saskatoon Neighbourhood Analysis
(Ott = Ottawa, Sask = Saskatoon)
Criminal Offence – Ottawa (2001), Saskatoon (2003) - (rate per 1,000 pop.) |
Ott/Sask |
1. Total Offences |
Ott/Sask |
2. Violent |
Ott/Sask |
3. Major Property |
Ott/Sask |
4. Minor Property |
Ott/Sask |
5. Drugs |
Ott |
6. Disturbance |
Socio-Economic, 2001 Census |
Ott/Sask |
Population density - number of persons per hectare |
Ott |
Percent of total population that is aged 15 to 24 |
Ott/Sask |
Percent total population aged 15+ that is single |
Ott |
Percent total population aged 15+ that is married |
Ott/Sask |
Percent total population aged 1+ that has moved during past year |
Sask |
Percent of total population by Aboriginal identity |
Ott |
Percent of total population that are recent immigrants (1996-2001) |
Ott |
Percent of total population that are visible minorities |
Ott/Sask |
Percent of youth not attending school |
Ott/Sask |
Percent of population aged 20+ without a high school diploma |
Ott/Sask |
Percent of population aged 20+ with a college diploma |
Ott/Sask |
Percent of population aged 20+ with a university degree |
Sask |
Government transfer payments as a percentage of total income. |
Ott/Sask |
Percent of total census families that are lone-parent families |
Ott/Sask |
Incidence of low-income families in 2000 (%) |
Ott/Sask |
Incidence of low-income unattached individuals in 2000 (%) |
Ott |
Average household income |
Ott/Sask |
Percent of occupied private dwellings that are houses |
Ott |
Percent of occupied private dwellings that are row houses |
Ott/Sask |
Percent of occupied private dwellings that are apartments in high-rise buildings |
Ott |
Percent of occupied private dwellings that are apartments in low-rise buildings |
Ott/Sask |
Percent of occupied private dwellings that are owned |
Ott/Sask |
Percent of occupied private dwellings that are rented |
Ott/Sask |
Percent of occupied private dwellings requiring major repairs |
Ott/Sask |
Percent of occupied private dwellings built before 1961 |
Ott/Sask |
Average value of dwelling $ |
Ott/Sask |
Labour force participation rate |
Ott/Sask |
Unemployment rate |
Ott/Sask |
Youth unemployment rate (aged 15-24) |
Development, Planning and Vehicle |
Sask |
Average home selling price (2002) |
Sask |
Total park space in acres as a percentage of total neighbourhood area (2003) |
Sask |
Number of persons per park acre in neighbourhood (2003) |
Sask |
Number of vehicles per resident (2002) |