2016 Canadian Victim Services Indicators: Pilot survey evaluation and recommendations

Annex 2: Questionnaire Reporting guide

Canadian Victim Services Indicators, 2016: Questionnaire Reporting Guide

The survey consists of five questions:

Most of the questions in this survey are followed by:

Respondents are asked to provide a figure in all boxes. If there is no amount for a particular box, enter one of the following:

A separate document is available providing information on the offence categories for question 3.

Question 1: Survey coverage

This question asks for a description of the data sources used to complete this survey and the type of victims included in the data.

Please note:


Question 2: Victim demographics

This question asks for a count of victims assisted by age and gender.

Please note:

“X” example

If your jurisdiction counts direct victims of an offence (or family member(s) of victims) but does not have data for their age or gender, enter “X” for ‘not available’ into the appropriate box and report their age and gender as unknown.


Question 3: Types of offences

This question asks for the number of victims assisted by type of offence in calendar year 2016.

Please note:

“X” and “N” examples

If your jurisdiction offers services to theft or robbery victims but does not have data for the number of theft or robbery victims assisted, enter “X” for ‘not available’ into the appropriate box and report the most serious offence type as unknown. If your jurisdiction does not offer services to motor vehicle theft victims, enter “N” for ‘not applicable’ into the appropriate box.

Offence Type Description Criminal Code Sections
Total Criminal Code violent offences
Homicide Includes 1st and 2nd degree murder, manslaughter and infanticide. 231, 233 – 237
Other offences causing death Includes criminal negligence and other offences causing death. Excludes Criminal Code traffic offences causing death (such as impaired driving). 46 – 47, 83, 219 – 220, 238, 241 – 242, 247
Sexual assault Includes aggravated sexual assault, sexual assault with a weapon and sexual assault. 271 – 273
Sexual violations against children Sexual offences specific to children other than sexual assault. Includes sexual interference, invitation to sexual touching, luring, sexual exploitation, etc. 151 – 153, 70 – 172
Physical assault Includes common assault as well as assault causing bodily harm and assault with a weapon. 219, 221, 245 – 246, 248, 265 – 270
Robbery Stealing an individual’s property using violence (such as striking the individual or using a weapon against them) or with the threat of violence against them or their property. 98, 343 – 344
Uttering threats and criminal harassment Uttering threats: to threaten an individual with death or bodily harm, burning, destroying or damaging their property, or killing, injuring or poisoning their animal(s).Criminal harassment: conduct (such as repeatedly following, communicating (directly/indirectly) or watching an individual’s home, workplace, or other place where they conduct business, or engaging in threatening behaviour directed at the individual or a member of their family) which makes an individual (or someone they know) fear for their safety. 264 – 264.1, 372
Other violent offences For victims of violent Criminal Code offences which you cannot allocate to specific offences. For example, extortion, attempted murder, incest, voyeurism, human trafficking, intimidation, arson and any other violent Criminal Code offence not included above. Please explain what violent offences are represented in the data provided in the comments section.
Total Criminal Code non-violent offences
Break and enter Breaking into and entering a place (such as a home, motor vehicle or place of business) with the intent to commit a criminal offence. 98, 348 – 349
Motor vehicle theft Includes stealing or taking a motor vehicle without consent. 333.1, 335
Other theft Incidences of theft (such as from a business or motor vehicle) where the sum of property stolen is under or over $5,000. 322, 334
Fraud Includes (but are not limited to) instances such as breach of trust, credit card fraud, insider trading, false pretenses, forgery and identity theft and fraud. 56.1, 336, 341 – 342, 356, 361 – 372, 374 – 378, 380 – 390, 392 – 394, 396 – 413
Other non-violent offences For victims of non-violent Criminal Code offences which you cannot allocate to specific offences. For example, mischief, breach of conditions or probation, disturbing the peace, terrorism and any other non-violent Criminal Code offence not included above. Please explain what non-violent offences are represented in the data provided in the comments section.
Total Criminal Code traffic offences
Traffic offences causing death Includes dangerous operation of a motor vehicle, flight from a peace officer, impaired driving/related violations, failure to stop and street racing. 249, 249.1, 252 – 253, 255,
Traffic offences causing bodily harm Includes dangerous operation of a motor vehicle, flight from a peace officer, impaired driving/related violations, failure to stop and street racing. 249, 249.1, 252, 255
Unknown Offence
Unknown offence In order to ensure that rows add up to the total, please report the count of victims where offence type is unknown. If possible, exclude victims where no criminal offence occurred.

Question 4: Victim Services Caseload

This question asks for the number of services offered to and/or provided to victims in calendar year 2016 (not limited to new referrals).

Please note:

“X” and “N” examples

If your jurisdiction offers a service type such as medical support to victims but does not have data for this service type provided, enter “X” for ‘not available’ into the appropriate box and report the service type as unknown. If your jurisdiction does not offer a service type such as liaison services to victims, enter “N” for ‘not applicable’ into the appropriate box.


Question 5: Victim and Community Impact Statements

This question asks for the number of Victim Impact Statement and Community Impact Statement forms that are provided by victim services, and for the number of Victim Impact Statements and Community Impact Statements filed to the police, prosecution (crown), courts or victim services.
