2016 Canadian Victim Services Indicators: Pilot survey evaluation and recommendations

Annex 1: Questionnaire

Statistics Canada
Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics

Canadian Victim Services Indicators


Authority - Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19

Confidential When Completed


This information is collected under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Chapter S-19.

Purpose of the survey

The purpose of the Canadian Victim Services Indicators survey is to collect aggregate data from victim services directorates of provincial and territorial governments to provide information on the characteristics of victims accessing services, the types of services utilized, and case load demands in order to better develop programs and services for victims of violence.

While participation in this survey is voluntary, your co-operation is important to ensure that information collected in this survey is as accurate and comprehensive as possible.


Statistics Canada is prohibited by law from releasing any information it collects which could identify any person, business, or organization, unless consent has been given by the respondent or as permitted by the Statistics Act. Statistics Canada will use the information from this survey for statistical purposes. If necessary, data are suppressed to prevent direct or residual disclosure of identifiable data.

Fax or e-mail transmission disclosure

Statistics Canada advises you that there could be a risk of disclosure during the transmission of information by facsimile or e-mail. However, upon receipt, Statistics Canada will provide the guaranteed level of protection afforded all information collected under the authority of the Statistics Act.

Record linkages

To enhance the data from this survey, Statistics Canada may combine it with information from other surveys or from administrative sources.

General instructions

  1. Please complete and return by January 26, 2018.
  2. Please refer to the Reporting Guide for survey definitions and instructions regarding what to measure and how to record it. If there are deviations from the survey definitions, please note these in the comment section provided for each question. As well, please indicate in the comments section, any changes in victim service delivery in your jurisdiction that may have affected this year’s data.
  3. Please provide a figure in all boxes. If there is no amount for a particular box, enter one of the following:
    • 0   when the amount is zero;
    • X   when the figure is not available in your jurisdiction
    • N   when the figure is not applicable in your jurisdiction
  4. The reference period for the data provided is calendar year 2016.

Please fax or email the completed version of the form to:

Mary Allen
Fax (613) 951-6615

Or, submit the completed questionnaire via Statistics Canada’s e-File Transfer Service at http://www.statcan.gc.ca/ec-ce/eft-tef (instructions attached)

Question 1 Coverage of victim services

Definition of a victim (and victim types)

A victim is defined as an individual who has suffered physical or emotional harm, property damage or economic loss as the result of the commission of an offence (Direct victim).

The following individuals will also be able to exercise their rights when a victim is deceased or incapable of acting on his or her own behalf (Family members of victims):

  • The victim’s spouse or common-law partner;
  • A relative or dependant of the victim; and
  • Anyone who has custody of the victim, or is responsible for the care or support of the victim’s dependant.
  1. Please list all the data sources you are using to answer this survey (ex. victim services internal database, police data, reports from community based (funded) agencies, etc).
  2. Please describe which victims (new referrals) are included in your data and how direct victims and family members of victims are counted. Please note any important differences from the definitions above. For example, some jurisdictions only have information for victims once a charge has been laid, and some databases may count family members once per household or once per direct victim, not as individual victims. Other databases include all secondary victims.
  3. Are you able to provide information for calendar year 2016? If you are unable to do so (for example, you only have fiscal year information available), please explain.

Question 2 Number of victims assisted by age and gender

Providing detailed breakdowns where possible, please indicate the total number of persons (new referrals) assisted in 2016 by victim services by age and gender. If some data is unavailable by age or gender, enter "X" into the appropriate box and report as unknown (see Reporting Guide for example).

a) Number of persons assisted by age at time of service (including businesses)
Categories Direct victim Family member(s) of victim Total
Adult (18 years and older)
Children and Youth (under 18 years)
Unknown (include businesses)
b) Number of persons assisted by reported gender (including businesses)
Categories Direct victim Family member(s) of victim Total
Other (please specify):
Unknown (include businesses)
c) Are business victims included in the data above? (Check one)
d) If yes, please indicate the number of businesses assisted in 2016:
Comments/deviations from survey definitions (ex: different age groups) or deviations from standard victim type (please specify):

Question 3 Number of victims assisted by offence

Providing detailed breakdowns where possible, please indicate the total number of persons (new referrals) assisted in 2016 by most serious offence. Exclude victims where no criminal offence occurred. If some data is unavailable by most serious offence, enter "X" into the appropriate box and report as unknown. If assisting victims of particular offences is not applicable in your jurisdiction, enter "N" into the appropriate box (see Reporting Guide for examples).

Categories Direct victim Family member(s) of victim Total
Total Criminal Code violent offences
Other offences causing death (excluding traffic violations)
Sexual assault
Adult victims aged 18 or over
Child victims under age 18
Sexual violations against children
Physical assault
Uttering threats or Criminal harassment
Other violent offences (see Reporting Guide)
Total Criminal Code Non-violent offences
Break and enter
Motor vehicle theft
Other theft
Other non-violent offences (see Reporting Guide)
Total Criminal Code traffic offences (including impaired driving)
Traffic offences causing death
Traffic offences causing bodily harm
Unknown offence

Comments/deviations from survey definitions (ex: treatment (count) of family members of homicide victims) (please specify):

Question 4 Victim services case load

Providing detailed breakdowns where possible, please indicate the number of services offered or provided to victims (new referrals) in 2016 by service type. Enter "N" into the appropriate box if the service type is not applicable in your jurisdiction (see Reporting Guide for explainations of these service types with examples).

Categories Offered to victims Provided to victims
Referrals (such as referrals to restorative justice programs and counselling services)
Counselling services
Restorative justice
Crisis services (such as crisis counselling or crisis telephone line)
Safety planning and risk assessment Prevention training (for victims)
Risk assessment (conduct or coordinate)
Child protection services
Safety planning - immediate
Safety planning - long term
Emotional support (such as short-term or trauma counseling)
Medical support (such as hospital accompaniment)
Liaison services (such as working with other agencies)
Shelter assistance
Justice system information Case/trial updates
Court orientation/information
Information on criminal justice system structure and process
Legal information
Victim notification (e.g., hearings, offender relocation, offender release)
Participation Court accompaniment
Victim/witness preparation
Assistance with victim impact statements
Compensation support Claims assistance
Compensation – financial
Compensation – other (e.g., pay fees for professional counseling)
Other (please specify)

Comments related to the types of services included in these counts (please specify):

Question 5 Victim and Community Impact Statements

Victim Impact Statements (VIS) (services provided in 2016)
Categories Total
Number of VIS forms provided by victim services
Number of VIS filed to police, prosecution (crown), courts or victim services
Community Impact Statements (CIS) (services provided in 2016)
Categories Total
Number of VIS forms provided by victim services
Number of VIS filed to police, prosecution (crown), courts or victim services
Comments/deviations from survey definitions (please specify):

Phone #:

Thank you for your important contribution to the Canadian Victim Services Indicators