2016 Canadian Victim Services Indicators: Pilot survey evaluation and recommendations

Processing and analysis

Once we received the completed questionnaires, we reviewed them for completeness and consistency (ex. parts adding to totals). We followed up with respondents where there were any discrepancies or lack of clarity that might require a note.

We then drafted text for respondents to review based on the information in the questionnaires. Because of challenges in interpreting the information for question 4 (the caseload question), we decided not to release this information.

To ensure accurate interpretation and presentation of the information, draft versions, comments and revisions were passed back and forth with respondents until a final copy was agreed upon. At this stage, the final version was sent with a table of the data elements to be released for final verification and signoff. Given competing work demands, this was a time consuming process.

Given the need for multiple revisions to data and text in some jurisdictions, there were some issues with version control where updates were made to an outdated version. Also, given the late delivery of some of the data and delays in getting to final copy, there was not adequate time for full verification of all of the data according to schedule. Many changes were made at the last minute.

In addition, the requirements for signoff so that Statistics Canada could be authorized to release the data was a challenge in some jurisdictions. Final signoff from the last respondents was not completed until the early weeks of May.