2016 Canadian Victim Services Indicators: Pilot survey evaluation and recommendations
The official survey was sent out to respondents on January 10, 2018. Arrangements were made to set up safes for electronic file transfers that allowed respondents to securely submit their completed questionnaires. We asked respondents to submit final data by January 26, 2018. This two-week window was considered adequate during testing as we had sent a draft version of the questionnaire and support documents to respondents in December 2017 for those who needed time to set up programs to extract the necessary data.
See Annex 1 questionnaire and Annex 2 reporting guide.
This time frame was overly optimistic. We received 3 questionnaires by the January 26 deadline, for a total of 5 questionnaires in January. Another 4 questionnaires were received in February, and 4 in March. These delays were due to a variety of challenges faced by respondents.
Issues that arose at this stage included:
- Difficulties in extracting the requested information from administrative files, including developing programs; in some cases manually extracting data from files
- Time and expertise required to work with the data (learning curves)
- Issues with providing the information according to requested definitions
- Competing priorities
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