Un examen qualitatif des problèmes d’ordre juridique graves touchant les personnes handicapées dans le centre du Canada
Bien que n’entrant pas dans le cadre de ce rapport, voici une liste de documents susceptibles d’intéresser ceux qui entreprennent d’éventuels travaux dans ce domaine.
- BANKS, K., R.P. CHAYKOWSKI et G.A. SLOTSVE. (2013). « The disability accommodation gap in Canadian workplaces: What does it mean for law, policy, and an aging population », Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal, vol. 17, no 2, p. 295-344.
- BALDRY, E. (2014). « Disability at the margins: Limits of the law », Griffith Law Review, vol. 23, no 3, p. 370-388.
- CROCK, M., C. ERNST et R.M. AO. (2012). « Where disability and displacement intersect: Asylum seekers and refugees with disabilities », International Journal of Refugee Law,vol. 24, no (4), p. 735-764.
- DEGENEFFE, C.E., et J. TERCIANO. (2011). « Rosa’s Law and the Language of Disability: Implications for Rehabilitation Counseling », Rehabilitation Research, Policy and Education,vol. 25, no 4, p. 163-172.
- GIBSON, B.E., et R. MYKITIUK, 2012. « Health care access and support for disabled women in Canada: Falling short of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: A qualitative study », Women's Health Issues,vol. 22, no 1, p. e111-e118.
- HAMILTON, J.W., et J. KOSHAN, 2013, « The Supreme Court, ameliorative programs, and disability: Not getting it », Canadian Journal of Women and the Law, vol. 25, no 1, p. 56-80.
- MAKI, H., et C.T. SHELDON, 2019, « Trauma-informed strategies in public interest litigation: Avoiding unintended consequences through integrative legal perspectives », dans Supreme Court Law Review, Second Series, vol. 90, C. Milne et K. Roach (dir.), Toronto, LexisNexis, 65.
- KOVACS BURNS, K., et G.L. GORDON. (2010). « Analyzing the impact of disability legislation in Canada and the United States »,Journal of Disability Policy Studies,vol. 20, no 4, p. 205-218.
- MALHOTRA, R., et M. ROWE. (2014). Exploring disability identity and disability rights through narratives: Finding a voice of their own, Londres, Routledge.
- MCALLISTER, A., et S.R. LEEDER. (2018). « Distrusting doctors’ evidence: A qualitative study of disability income support policy makers in Australia and Ontario, Canada », Australian Health Review, vol. 42, no 4, p. 475-480.
- OLIVER, M. (2017). « Defining impairment and disability » dans Disability and Equality Law, E.F. Emens et M.A. Stein (dir.), Londres, Routledge, 3.
- PAZEY, B.L., et H.A. COLE. (2015). « Tensions and transformations: Using an ethical framework to teach a course on disability law to future educational leaders », Journal of School Leadership,vol. 25, no 6, p. 1130-1168.
- PERLIN, M.L. (2019). « “There’s voices in the night trying to be heard”: The potential impact of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on domestic mental disability law », Brooklyn Law Reviewvol. 84, no 3, p. 873-908.
- PERLIN, M.L. (2014). « Understanding the intersection between international human rights and mental disability law », dans B.A. Arrigo et H.Y. Bersot (dir.), The Routledge Handbook of International Crime and Justice Studies. Londres, Routledge, 191.
- PRINCE, M.J. (2010). « What about a disability rights act for Canada? Practices and lessons from America, Australia, and the United Kingdom », Canadian Public Policyvol. 36, no 2, p. 199-214.
- SHELDON, C.T., K. SPECTOR et M. PEREZ. (2016). « Re-centering equality from the inside: The interplay between sections 7 and 15 of the Charter in challenges to psychiatric detention », National Journal of Constitutional Law vol. 35, no 2, p. 193-234.
- WADDINGTON, L., 2011, « Reasonable accommodation: Time to extend the duty to accommodate beyond disability? », NTM| NJCM-Bulletin vol. 36, no 2, p. 186-198.
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