Analyse des lacunes dans les documents de recherche sur les enjeux concernant les jeunes de la rue
Annexe B - Bibliographie : Les jeunes de la rue
ADAMS, Gerald R., Thomas GULLOTTA et Mary Anne CLANCY. « Homeless adolescents: a descriptive study of similarities and differences between runaways and throwaways » dans Richard M. Lerner et Christine M. Ohannessian (dir.), Risks and Problem Behaviours in Adolescence, New York, Garland, 1999.
ANDERSON, J., T. FREESE et Julia PENNEBRIDGE. « Sexual risk behavior and condom use among street youth in Hollywood », Family Planning Perspectives, n° 26 (1994), p. 22-25.
ANTONIADES, Margarita et Valerie TARASUK. « A survey of food problems experienced by Toronto street youth », Canadian Journal of Public Health = Revue canadienne de santé publique, vol. 89, n° 6 (1998), p. 371-375.
ATHEY, J. « HIV infection and homeless adolescents », Child Welfare, vol. 70, n° 5 (1991), p. 517-528.
AYERST, Sandra L. « Depression and stress in street youth », Adolescence, vol. 34, n° 135 (1999), p. 567-575.
BARON, Stephen W. « Street youths and substance use: the role of background, street lifestyle, and economic factors », Youth and Society, vol. 31, n° 1 (1999), p. 3-26.
. « Canadian male street skinheads: street gang or street terrorists? »,Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology = Revue canadienne de sociologie et d'anthropologie, vol. 34, n° 2 (1997), p. 125-154.
. « Serious offenders » in James Creechan and Robert A. Silverman (dir.), Canadian Delinquency, Toronto, Prentice-Hall, 1995.
BARON, Stephen W. et Timothy F. HARTNAGEL. « Street youth and criminal violence », Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, vol. 35, n° 2 (1998), p. 166-192.
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BRADFORD, Marnetta Shetler. « Health concerns and prevalence of abuse and sexual activity in adolescents at a runaway shelter », Applied Nursing Research, vol. 8, n° 4 (1995) p. 187-190.
BRANNIGAN, Augustine et Tullio CAPUTO. Étude sur les fugueurs et les jeunes de la rue au Canada : problèmes conceptuels et méthodologiques, Ottawa, Solliciteur général Canada, 1993.
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CAPUTO, Tullio et Katherine KELLY. Mesures prises pour faire face à la criminalité chez les jeunes : impressions des policiers, Rapport pour spécialistes n° 1997-03, Ottawa, Solliciteur général Canada, Secrétariat du Ministère, Direction générale de la police et de l'application de la loi, 1997.
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. Projet de recherche sur les fugueurs et lesl jeunes de la rue - phase II : l'étude de cas de Saskatoon, Final Report No. [à traduire] 1994-12, Ottawa, Solliciteur général Canada, Secrétariat du Ministère, Division de la politique et de la recherche en matière de police, 1994c.
CAPUTO, Tullio et Colleen RYAN. Intervention de la police face à la jeunesse en danger, Rapport pour spécialistes n° 1991-08, Ottawa, Solliciteur général Canada, Secrétariat du Ministère, Division de la politique et de la recherche en matière de police, 1991.
CATON, C.L.M.. « The epidemiology of homelessness », dans C.L.M. Caton (dir.), Homeless in America, New York, Oxford University Press, 1990, p. 19-35.
CAUCE, Ana Marie, M. PARADISE, et coll. « Homeless youth in Seattle: youth characteristics, mental health needs, and intensive case management », dans M. Epstein, K. Kutash et Duchnowski (dir.), Outcomes for Children and Youth with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders and Their Families, Austin, Pro-Ed, 1998.
CAUCE, Ana Marie, C.J. MORGAN et coll. « Effectiveness of intensive case management for homeless adolescents: results of a three-month follow-up », Journal of Emotional Behavior Disorders, n° 2 (1994), p. 219-227.
CAUCE, Ana Marie, C.J. MORGAN, S. D. SHANTINATH et coll. « Intensive case management for homeless youth: a description of a study in progress », Community Psychology, n° 26 (1993), p. 32-34.
CHAND, Manjit K. et Lisa B. THOMPSON. You Have Heard This Before: Street-involved Youth and the Service Gaps, Vancouver, Interministerial Street Children's Committee, City of Vancouver Social Planning Department, 1997.
CITY OF TORONTO et P.R.W. KENDALL. Profile of Youth Health in Toronto, Toronto, City of Toronto Department of Public Health, 1994.
CLATTS, Michael, D.J. HILLMAN et coll. « Lives in the balance: an ethnographic profile of homeless youth in New York City », dans J. Bluestein et C. Levine (dir.), Medical Decision-Making for Adolescents Who Are Alone, New York, Pergammon Press, 2000.
CLATTS, Michael et W. Rees DAVIS. « A demographic and behavior profile of homeless youth in New York City: implications for AIDS outreach and prevention », Medical Anthropology Quarterly, vol. 13, n° 3 (1999), p. 365-374.
CLATTS, Michael, W. Rees DAVIS et coll. « Correlates and distribution of HIV risk behaviors among homeless youths in New York City: implications for prevention and policy », Child Welfare, vol. 77, n° 2 (1998), p. 195-207.
CLATTS, Michael, J. SOTHERAN et coll. Needs Assessment: Services and Housing for New York City's Homeless Street Youth with HIV/AIDS, Final Report submitted to the Mayor's Office for AIDS Policy Coordination, New York, Mayor's Office, 1997.
CLATTS, Michael, W. Rees DAVIS et A. ATILLASOY. « Hitting a moving target: the use of ethnographic methods in the evaluation of AIDS outreach programs for homeless youth in NYC », Qualitative Methods in Drug Abuse and HIV Research, NIDA Research Monograph, n° 157 (1995), p. 117-135.
CLEMENTS, K., A. GLEGHORN et coll. « A risk profile of street youth in northern California: implications for gender-specific human immunodeficiency virus prevention », Journal of Adolescent Health, n° 20 (1997), p. 343-353.
COMMUNITY SOCIAL PLANNING COUNCIL OF TORONTO. Surviving the Street: Street Youth and Squeegeeing in Toronto, Toronto, The Council, 1998.
CROWE, C. et K. HARDILL. « Nursing research and political change: the street health report », Canadian Nurse = Infirmière canadienne, n° 89 (1993), p. 21-24.
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DADDS, Mark R., David BRADDOCK et coll. « Personal and family distress in homeless adolescents », Community Mental Health Journal, vol. 29, n° 5 (1993), p. 413-422.
DEISHER, R. et W. ROGERS. « The medical care of street youth », Journal of Adolescent Health Care, n° 12 (1991), p. 500-503.
DEMONT, John. « Hangout to call their own », Maclean's, vol. 109, n° 27 (1996), p. 42-3.
DEZIEL, Shanda et Brenda BRANSWELL. « The anguish of the street », Maclean's, vol. 112, n° 34, 1999, p. 38-41.
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EMBRY, Lara E., Ann VANDER STOEP et coll. « Risk factors for homelessness in adolescents released from psychiatric residential treatment », Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, vol. 39, n° 10 (2000), p. 1293-1299.
ENGLISH, Nora D. et Leona M. ENGLISH. « A pro-active approach to youth who run », Brief communication, Child Abuse and Neglect, vol. 23, n° 7 (1999), p. 693-698.
ENSIGN, Jo. « The health of shelter-based foster youth », Public Health Nursing, vol. 18, n° 1 (2001), p. 19-23.
ENSIGN, Jo et Joel GITTELSOHN. « Health and access to care: perspectives of homeless youth in Baltimore City, U.S.A », Social Science and Medicine, vol. 47, n° 12 (1998), p. 2087-2099.
ENSIGN, Jo et J. SANTELLI. « Health status and access to care: comparison of adolescents at a school-based health clinic with homeless adolescents », Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, n° 151 (1998), p. 817-823.
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GREENE, Jody M., Susan T. ENNETT et Christopher L. RINGWALT. « Prevalence and correlates of survival sex among runaway and homeless youth », American Journal of Public Health, vol. 89, n° 9 (1999), p. 1406-1409.
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. « Double jeopardy: the abuse and punishment of homeless youth », dans G.S. Bridges et M. Myers (dir.),Inequality, Crime, and Social Control, Boulder, Westview, 1994, p. 195-211.
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