Bijuralism and Harmonization
- Achieving Unity in the Interpretation of Federal Private Law: Legal Framework and Fragments of Judicial Discourse (2008)
- Bankruptcy and Insolvency (1999)
- Bijuralism and Harmonization: Genesis (booklet 1) (PDF version, 230 Kb)
- Bijuralism and Taxation: International Aspects (2003)
- Bijuralism in Canada: Harmonization and Terminology (booklet 4) (PDF version, 230 Kb)
- Bijuralism in Supreme Court of Canada Judgments Since the Enactment of the Civil Code of Quebec (booklet 3b) (PDF version, 230 Kb)
- Canadian Legislative Bijuralism: An expression of Legal Duality
- Clause 8 of Bill S-4: Amending the Interpretation Act (booklet 6b) (PDF version, 230 Kb)
- Comments on Fiducie Sylvie Vallée v. Canada and Hewlett Packard Ltd. v. Canada (2004)
- Crown Liability and Proceedings Act (1999)
- Federal Legislation and the Private Law of the Canadian Territories: An Argument for Complementarity (2013)
- Harmonization of Federal Legislation with Quebec Civil Law: Some Examples from the Bankruptcy ad Insolvency Act (booklet 8a) (PDF version, 230 Kb)
- Legislative Bijuralism: Its Foundation and its Application (2006)
- Part I — Recent Case Law Principles of Interpretation in Canadian Bijuralism as Applied in the Tax Context: What is the Current State of Affairs? (2006)
- Part II - D.I.M.S. Construction inc. (Trustee of) v. Quebec (Attorney General): Ending a Debate: Application of the Principle of Complementarity by the Supreme Court of Canada (2003)
- Portrait of a Legal Harmonizer (booklet 5) (PDF version, 230 Kb)
- Research in Bijuralism: Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (1999)
- S-4 Addendum (booklet 9)
- S-4: A First Harmonization Bill (booklet 6a) (PDF version, 230 Kb)
- Some Thoughts on Bijuralism in Canada and the World (booklet 2) (PDF version, 230 Kb)
- Survival of Pre-Confederation Law: Provisions on the Interpretation and Application of Statutes in the Civil Code of Lower Canada (1999)
- The Concept of a Gift/Don: Comparative Study - Civil Law-Common Law -Tax Law (2003)
- The Creation by the Federal Parliament of Security Mechanisms in the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (booklet 8b) (PDF version, 230 Kb)
- The Harmonization of Federal Tax Legislation (booklet 7) (PDF version, 230 Kb)
- The Harmonization of Tax Legislation - Case of Complementarity, Part 2 (2002)
- The Harmonization of Tax Legislation Analysis of the Concept of "Acquisition" in the Case Law (2003)
- The Harmonization of Tax Legislation Dissociation: A Mechanism of Exception Part III (2002)
- The Harmonization of Tax Legislation: Asymmetry Versus Uniformity, Part 1 (2002)
- The Option in a Bijural Context (2004)
- The Place of Private Law in Federal Legislation: The St-Hilaire Case and Bijural Terminology Records (2002)
- The Retroactive Effect of Conditional Obligations in Tax Law (2002)
- The Supreme Court of Canada and Its Impact on the Expression of Bijuralism (booklet 3a) (PDF version, 230 Kb)
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