Bijural Terminology Records
Research Index
[ A ... ]
- accelerated payment
- accessories and dependencies
- acquisition or lease
- acquisition (purchase, lease or other acquisition)
- act constituting hypothecs
- act of a thing
- act of concession
- administrator of the property of others
- administrator of the property of others (trustee or)
- administrator of the property of the company
- advocate
- advocate or notary
- affiliation order (support, maintenance or affiliation order)
- agent 1 • agent 2
- agents
- alimentary pension
- alimony
- annullable, null
- annulment of obligation (or reduction)
- applicant
- application (bankruptcy application)
- application for a bankruptcy order
- appurtenances
- assignee
- assignment
- assignment by way of security, charges on book debts
- assignment of the judgment
- assigns
- attorney 1 • attorney 2
- authentic copy
- avoidance (repudiation or)
[ B ... ]
[ C ... ]
- capacity of a natural person
- cause of action for liability
- cause of action in tort
- cause of preference
- certificate of judgment (filing of)
- charge 1 • charge 2
- charged
- charge (first charge)
- charge (holder of a)
- charge (preferential lien or charge)
- claim (liquidated claim)
- claim ranking above any other claim
- claim (unliquidated claim)
- compensation
- concede
- concession
- concessions
- condition
- conditional or instalment sale
- condominium
- condominium corporation
- contempt of court
- contravening use (penal law)
- conveyance 1 • conveyance 2
- conveyancing instrument
- co-ownership
- copy authenticated
- corporeal movable property
- costs and expenses
- co-trustee
- counsel
- covenant
[ D ... ]
- damage
- damage resulting from the act of a thing in the custody of or owned by the Crown or by the fault of the Crown as custodian or owner
- damage to or loss of property
- deed of trust
- default (omission or)
- delict (tort, delict and quasi-delict)
- delivery 1 • delivery 2
- delivery becoming absolute
- dependencies (accessories and)
- deposit
- devise
- devisees
- discharge
- discharge of mortgage
- disclaimer
- disposal or possession (other)
- disposal (receiving or other disposal)
- dispose 1 • dispose 2
- disposed of (sold, leased, loaned or otherwise disposed of)
- disposition 1 • disposition 2 (sale, lease or other disposition) • disposition 3 • disposition 4 • disposition 5
- divided co-ownership
[ E ... ]
[ F ... ]
- failure to respect the agreement between the parties as to the conduct of the proceeding
- fault 1 • fault 2
- fee simple
- fidelity bond
- fidelity insurance
- fiduciary
- fiduciairy capacity
- fiduciary capacity (person acting in a)
- fiduciairy obligations of the inspector to the estate
- first charge
- fixture
- fixtures
- forfeiture of the term
- fractional interest
- fruits and revenues
[ G ... ]
[ H ... ]
- heir
- hereditaments
- hold
- holder 1 • holder 2 • holder 3
- holder of a charge
- holder of a power of attorney
- holder of a prior claim
- hypothec 1 • hypothec 2 • hypothec 3
- hypothecary claim
- hypothecary creditor 1 • hypothecary creditor 2
- hypothecary debtor
- hypothecate
- hypothec (extinguish the)
- hypothec (release of)
[ I ... ]
- immovable property
- immovable real right
- immovable real rights in the land
- immovable real rights (remainder of the)
- immovable, right in an immovable, right of a lessee in respect of any immovable
- immovables 1 • immovables 2
- immovables (title relating to)
- immovable within the meaning of Quebec civil law
- impounded
- incumbrancer
- injury to the person
- instalment sale (conditional or instalment sale)
- instrument
- instrument of grant
- instrument or act
- instruments
- interest 1 • interest 2
- interest (entire or any lesser)
- interest (fractional)
- interest in land 1 • interest in land 2 • interest in land 3
- interest in property
- interest in real property
- interest or right in real property or land
- interest (part of the)
- interest (person who holds an)
- interest (remainder of the)
- interests in the land (all the)
- interests (other)
- interest (taking)
- interest (whole of the)
- interpleader
[ J ... ]
[ L ... ]
- landlord
- Land Titles Act
- lease 1 • lease 2
- leased (sold, leased, loaned or otherwise disposed of)
- leasehold estate
- lease (person who holds a lease)
- lease (purchase, lease or other acquisition)
- lease (sale, lease or other disposition)
- lease (surrender of)
- legacy
- legal counsel 1 • legal counsel 2
- legal hypothec (registration of)
- legal officer
- legal personal representative 1 • legal personal representative 2
- legal representative
- legatees
- legatees, legatees by particular title
- lessee
- lessor
- letters of administration
- liability
- liability in tort
- licence (person who holds a)
- lien
- lien holder
- lien (preferential lien or charge)
- liens
- liquidated claim
- liquidator of a succession
- liquidator of the succession
- loaned (sold, leased, loaned or otherwise disposed of)
[ M ... ]
- maintenance order (support, maintenance or affiliation order)
- mandatary 1 • mandatary 2 • mandatary 3
- mandator
- may not be set up against
- messuages
- minerals on, above or below the surface
- minerals on or below the surface
- mines and minerals
- mortgage 1 • mortgage 2 • mortgage 3
- mortgagee 1 • mortgagee 2
- mortgage (redeem the)
- mortgagor
- motion
- motions
- movable property
- movables
[ N ... ]
- natural person
- natural person (capacity of a)
- natural person (rights, powers and privileges of a)
- notarial minutes of the probate
- notary (advocate or)
- null 1 • null 2
- null, annullable
[ O ... ]
- objection
- obligation (annulment of)
- obligation (reduction of)
- obligations (fiduciary obligations of the inspector to the estate)
- obligations of the inspector to the estate to act in good faith for the general interests of the administration of the estate
- official
- omission or default
- opposition 1 • opposition 2
- ordinary partnerships
- owned
- owned (registered owner)
- owner
- ownership, occupation, possession or control of property
[ P ... ]
- passed (property has passed)
- pecuniary interests
- person
- person acting in a fiduciary capacity
- personal injury 1 • personal injury 2
- personal property 1 • personal property 2
- personal representative 1 • personal representative 2 • personal representative 3
- person or entity that acts in the name of or for the benefit of another
- person (private person)
- person responsible
- person who acts in the name of and for the benefit of the member or their estate or succession
- person who has a right to use or occupy
- person who holds a lease
- person who holds a licence
- person who holds an interest
- person whose act or omission resulted in or contributed to
- petitioner
- petition for a receiving order
- physical control
- pledge
- power of attorney (holder of a)
- preference
- preferential lien or charge
- prejudice
- pre-trial pecuniary loss
- principal
- prior claim (holder of a)
- prior claim constituting a real right
- priority 1 • priority 2
- private person
- private person of full age and capacity
- privilege 1 • privilege 2
- probate of the will or notarial minutes of the probate
- probate or letters of administration
- profit (easement, profit or servitude)
- property
- property (immovable property)
- property or profits
- property right
- proprietary interest
- proxyholder
- purchase
- purchase, lease or other acquisition
- pursue on behalf of a person a legal action
- pursue on behalf of a person a legal action (subrogation)
[ Q ... ]
- quasi-delict (tort, delict and quasi-delict)
- quit claim
[ R ... ]
- ranking
- real property 1 • real property 2
- real property (title relating to)
- real right
- real right (prior claim constituting a)
- receiver
- receiving order
- receiving or other disposal
- records
- redeem the mortgage
- reduction of obligation (annulment or)
- register
- registered owner
- registers
- registrar
- registration division
- registration of legal hypothec
- release
- renunciation
- representative 1 • representative 2
- repudiation or avoidance
- rescission
- resiliation
- resolution
- responsible (person)
- revoke a judgment
- right
- right (any)
- right in an immovable
- right in land
- right in property
- right (less limited)
- right (more limited)
- right of redemption
- right of use or occupation
- right (taking)
- right to the use
- right to use
- right to use or occupy
- right to use or occupy (person who has a right to use or occupy)
- rights of retention (prior claims or)
- rights, powers and privileges of a natural person
[ S ... ]
- safekeeping
- sale (sale, lease or other disposition)
- sale, under an order of a court or by judicial authority
- secured claim
- secure itself
- security 1 • security 2
- security, charge
- security interest (create any)
- security (obtain)
- security (surrender a)
- sequestrated
- sequestrator
- sequestrator, administrator of the property of another
- servitude 1 • servitude 2 • servitude 3
- set aside a judgment
- set-off
- share
- sheriff
- signed
- sold, leased, loaned or otherwise disposed of
- solicitor
- solicitors
- solidarily 1 • solidarily 2
- special damages
- specific performance (order for)
- sublessee
- subrogated to the rights as declared in the judgment
- subtenant
- succession 1 • succession 2
- successor
- successors
- support order (support, maintenance or affiliation order)
- suretyship
- suretyships (to provide)
- surrender a security
- surrender of lease
- syndicate of co-owners
[ T ... ]
- taking (interest)
- taking (right)
- tangible personal property
- tenements
- tenure
- thing in action
- thing in the custody of or owned by
- title relating to immovables
- title relating to real property
- title to land
- tort
- tort, delict and quasi-delict
- transfer 1 • transfer 2 • transfer 3
- transfer act
- transferred 1 • transferred 2
- trust constituted to secure the performance of an obligation
- trustee
- trustee or administrator of the property of others
[ U ... ]
[ V ... ]
- vest (sales of property)
- void 1 • void 2 • void 3
- void, voidable
[ W ... ]
- want of prosecution
- who acts for any person
- wilful misconduct (gross negligence or)
- Date modified: