All Research and Statistics Reports

Below is a list of reports produced by the RSD. Click on the hyperlink to view reports that have been posted to the website or click on the email address to request a PDF copy.

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The National Justice Survey 2017

Results from the National Justice Survey 2017 are summarized in the following Research at a Glance publications:

A Justice System We Want: Youth Engagement Projects

Results from the 2016-2018 Youth Engagement Projects are summarized in the following Research at a Glance publications:


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Moving forward: promising practices for the prosecution of cases of sexual assault against adults

This report provides an overview of promising practices to assist Crown Prosecutors who deal with sexual assault cases against adults.

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Sexual Assault Response and Investigations for Police

This report provides an overview of recent evidence-based research to assist police in capturing the significant and comprehensive details about sexual assaults.

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Child Witness Provisions of the Criminal Code & Canada Evidence Act: Trends and Issues in Reported Canadian Cases, 2009-2017

This report analyzes reported case law since 2009 interpreting the provisions of the Criminal Code and Canada Evidence Act that support the giving of evidence by children in criminal cases, and summarizes the small Canadian literature related to these cases.

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Evidence Supporting National Guidelines for Canada's Child Advocacy Centres - updated 2018

The purpose of this project is to update the 2015 report prepared by the Institute by reviewing any new national and international research related to the evidence, background and context to support the rationale for each of the ten guidelines for Canadian CACs.

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A Justice System We Want: Youth Engagement on the criminal justice system

From 2016 to 2018, the RSD conducted youth engagement projects that explored youths' views, perceptions, and expectations of reform in support of the Criminal Justice System (CJS) review.

The full report from the 2016-2017 project is available upon request. If you would like to receive a copy, please email

An explanation of the methodology of the 2017-2018 project is available as a separate report. If you would like to receive a copy, please send an email to

Results from these conversations are summarized in the following Research at a Glance publications:

Victim Services in Canada

This document lists the programs and services considered to be part of the formal victim services programming in each jurisdiction. It also provides information on related agencies that provide critical services to victims of crime.

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Access to Justice in Both Official Languages: Jury Recruitment

This report examines the topic of access to justice in both official languages in the context of jury trials. The report presents the findings of a survey conducted to ascertain how French-speaking and/or bilingual jurors are selected, the legislative frameworks that guide the recruitment and selection process, and an evaluation of possible strategies to improve the process. The report also presents available data on jury trials for each jurisdictions.

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Research Note: Estimating the impact of lowering the legal limit for impaired driving in Canada

This Research Note provides an estimate of the possible impact on police, courts and corrections of lowering the current legal limit of alcohol from over 80 mg of alcohol in 100 ml of blood to at, or above, 50 mg of alcohol in 100 ml of blood.

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Preliminary Inquiries: Stakeholder Survey Results

This report provides results of a survey sent to various criminal justice system players in order to obtain views on the purpose, functions and values served by the preliminary inquiry and how it contributes to the criminal justice process.

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Access to Justice for Indigenous Adult Victims of Sexual Assault

This report explores what ‘justice’ looks like for adult Indigenous victims of sexual assault.

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Sentencing for Intimate Partner Violence in Canada: Has s.718.2(a)(ii) Made a Difference?

This study examines the use of s.718.2(a)(ii) in case law since its enactment in 1996. Using a sample of cases decided under s.718.2(a)(ii) this study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of this legislative mandatory aggravating factor. The primary sample is comprised of all appellate cases referencing the section as well as all trial cases referencing the section from the years 1998, 2007 and 2015.

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Synthesis of Findings from Selected Reviews of the Criminal Justice System in Canada and Internationally

The purpose of this project was to collect and synthesize information about the approaches taken by other jurisdictions (in Canada or internationally) in their reviews of the CJS, as well as look at what other jurisdictions have focused on for reforms. This study intended to measure the community impact of hate-motivated crimes.

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Book-Ending the Problem of Bail: Examining the Front and Back Ends of Bail in Canada

This report argues that the ‘bail problem’ is different from the ‘remand problem’ and that there are many components of both. The authors compare data from specific jurisdictions and discuss how court procedures and police decisions influence both bail and remand. A scan of bail practices/legislation in several other countries are also included, as well as some thoughts on potential reform.

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PLEI Guidelines Project - Community Legal Education Ontario

The project has investigated the following research questions:
  1. What could guidelines for PLEI look like?
  2. How does a sample of existing criminal law PLEI measure up to the potential guidelines?
  3. What exists in terms of automated tools, and other technology that might assist in applying these guidelines?
  4. What do PLEI providers think about the guidelines?

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Sentencing in Canada: A compendium of sentencing data sources and statistics

A variety of Canadian sentencing statistics provide a synopsis of national and provincial sentencing data. The first two sections of this report present statistics collected and published by the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics (CCJS), a division of Statistics Canada (StatCan). The final section of this report presents statistics and findings drawn from Public Safety Canada's publication series Correctional and Conditional Release: Statistical Overview.

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The Roundtable Discussion on Mental Health: First Responders, and a Sane Response

This paper is a summary of a roundtable discussion on mental health issues and the "first response" hosted in 2015 by the Department of Justice and Public Safety Canada. This report includes seven short papers providing details of community-level programs.

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The Practice of Family Law in Canada: Results from a Survey of Participants at the 2016 National Family Law Program

The results of surveys conducted by the National Family Law Program (NFLP) to obtain data on the experience and caseloads of family law lawyers and the judiciary. The data set is available upon request from the Research and Statistics Division at Justice.

Read the Executive Summary of this report.

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Youth Criminal Justice in Canada: A Compendium of Statistics

This compendium presents an overview of statistical information on Canada's youth criminal justice system, including information on youth contact with the police, youth courts, and the youth correctional system from 1999 (a few years before implementation of the Youth Criminal Justice Act, YCJA, 2003) to the most recent year with available data.

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Forensic Mental Health, FASD, and neurocognitive disorders roundtable

Justice Canada hosted a roundtable of experts to explore how criminal justice decision makers might obtain information about an accused person's neurocognitive disabilities using the forensic mental health system.

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Criminal Justice System Review: Performance Measurement Indicators

This report outlines the key steps in the development of a performance measurement framework for the criminal justice system. It focuses on the criteria for a successful framework and the development of justice indicators, based on best practices identified in the literature.

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The Impact of DNA Hits on Criminal Investigations in Ontario

This research was conducted to examine how DNA offender 'hits' from the Convicted Offenders Index (COI) of persons convicted of certain designated offences may assist police in Ontario. If you would like to receive a copy of this report, please send an email to

Resources for Conducting Research and Evaluation of Child Advocacy Centres & Child and Youth Advocacy Centres

Beginning in 2012, the Department of Justice Canada undertook a five-year, multi-site study of Child Advocacy Centres (CAC) and Child and Youth Advocacy Centres (CYAC) in Canada. This resource kit consists of the data collection instruments created by Proactive Information Services Inc., including interview guides, survey scripts, assent forms, client case file data collection manuals and tools.

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Closed-circuit Television for Young Witnesses

The purpose of this study is to better understand the use of closed-circuit television (CCTV) in the West Region of Ontario and to explore how, or if, the use of CCTV helps facilitate giving evidence, improve the quality of testimony and minimize stress and re-victimization for child and youth witnesses.

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Child Advocacy Centres and Child and Youth Advocacy Centres in Canada: National Operational Survey Results

The Department of Justice designed this study to collect operational data such as the CACs/CYACs stage of development, the services they provide, and how they provide these services. To do this, an electronic survey was developed to answer the following research questions:
  • What services are provided/will be provided by CACs/CYACs across Canada?
  • How are/will services be provided to clients of CACs/CYACs in Canada?
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Building Legal Literacy, Preventing Crisis

A report that focuses on improving legal literacy to improve access to justice and develop trust in the criminal justice system.

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The Impacts of Public Legal Education in Canada

This study investigates the impact of public legal education activities in Canada with a view to helping organizations improve access to justice.

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Representation of Aboriginal People in the Canadian Criminal Justice System

A fact sheet based on available published literature on Aboriginal people and their representation in the Canadian criminal justice system. The information presented includes data for adults and youth among police, court, correctional service and conditional releases statistics.

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The Examination and Cross-Examination of Children in Criminal Proceedings: A Review of the International Literature

This report examines how seven countries, Australia, New Zealand, England and Wales, the United States, South Africa, Israel and Norway, handle the examination and cross-examination of child witnesses in the criminal justice system.

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Representation of Visible Minorities in the Canadian Criminal Justice System

A fact sheet based on available published literature on visible minorities and their representation in the Canadian criminal justice system. The information represents adults and youth among police, court, correctional service and conditional release statistics.

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The Justice System Costs of Administration of Justice Offences in Canada

The Research and Statistics Division used data from the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics to estimate the costs associated with police, court, prosecution, legal aid, and corrections resulting from AOJOs (a suite of offences classified by the common theme of a perpetrator willfully attempting to obstruct the course of justice and/or disobeying various orders sanctioned by the court) committed by both adults and youth.

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Police and Judicial Detention and Release Characteristics: Data from the Justice Effectiveness Study

The purpose of this research is to provide information regarding the detention and release practices of police and of the court, while also providing data on the characteristics of accused subject to these decisions.

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Administration of Justice Offences Among Aboriginal People: Court Officials' Perspective

This research seeks to learn about the experiences and perceptions of court officials regarding:

  • AOJOs most frequently committed by Aboriginal people—adults and youth;
  • The factors that contribute to the commission of AOJOs among Aboriginal people;
  • Individuals with the most influence on reducing AOJOs among Aboriginal people;
  • Strategies to prevent AOJOs among Aboriginal people.

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Administration of Justice Offences: Aboriginal Courtwork Program Clients' Perspective

Aboriginal courtworkers (hereinafter courtworkers) provide Aboriginal people charged with a criminal offence with information about the criminal justice system, to assist them during the court process and to direct them to the appropriate legal, social and community justice programs. The purpose of this study is to learn the perceptions of ACW program clients with regard to the following:

  1. the most commonly committed AOJOs
  2. the reasons given for these offences
  3. the conditions that were imposed on them by the court, if any.

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A Gender Based Analysis of the Services Provided by the Aboriginal Courtwork Program

The main purpose of this research was to identify, from the perspective of courtworkers, the types of services most commonly delivered to male and female clients and any gaps in services that could be provided to male, female and youth clients.

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Profiling Aboriginal Women in the Canadian Correctional System

This report focuses on the representation of Aboriginal women in federal and provincial/territorial correctional institutions, using data mainly from the Integrated Correctional Services Survey (ICSS) and Adult Correctional Services Survey (ACS).

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Description and processing of Individuals found Not Criminally Responsible on Account of Mental Disorder accused of "serious violent offences"

At the request of the Department of Justice's Research and Statistics Division, the authors examined the following questions using National Trajectory Project (NTP) data:
  1. What was the primary psychiatric diagnosis at the time of the index offence?
  2. What were the initial dispositions after the NCRMD verdict for the most serious offence?
  3. How many prior violent and total convictions did persons found NCRMD have, by most serious offence at verdict?
  4. What was the average length of time under the Review Board and in detention?
  5. How many persons found NCRMD for serious violent offences had reoffended while under a Review Board disposition?

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The Costs of the Youth Criminal Justice System 2010

In this study, we examine five major sectors of the youth criminal justice system: police, court, prosecution, legal aid, and youth justice programs and services to estimate the comprehensive costs.

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Exploring the Community Impact of Hate-Motivated Crimes

This study intended to measure the community impact of hate-motivated crimes.

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Addressing the Needs of Child Victims and Their Families: the Role of the Victim Advocate

This report will examine the needs of child victims and their families and how various children's advocacy centres (CACs), both established and in development, respond to these needs through victim support and advocacy services.

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Section 810 Peace Bonds: Stakeholder Perceptions and Experiences

This study examines two types of section 810 peace bonds: section 810.1 peace bonds, where there is "fear of a sexual offence on a person less than 16 years of age," otherwise referred to as "sex offence bonds," and section 810.2 peace bonds, where there is "fear of a serious personal injury offence," otherwise referred to as "personal injury bonds."

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Intimidation of Justice System Participants: General Overview of Literature and Reports

The purpose of this study was to develop a better understanding of what has been written on the subject of the intimidation of justice system participants in Canada.

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Building a Case for Public Legal Education and Information: Lessons Learned Report

The Lessons Learned report presents the results of the Building a Case for Public Education and Information (PLEI) Project. The main purpose of this project was to review and analyze recent Canadian PLEI evaluation research in order to assess the degree to which it measures the outcomes, impacts and benefits of PLEI, and to describe the limitations, promising approaches and lessons learned in the research.

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Credit for Pre-Sentencing Custody: Data from Five Canadian Courts

This report provides data on the use of pre-sentencing custody credits in five locations across Canada. While this study has some limitations, it is the first of its kind in Canada, and provides a baseline picture of the state of pre sentencing custody credits prior to any changes made by legislation.

This report is also available on the website of the Parliament of Canada.

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Recidivism Among Impaired Drivers

This report examined impaired driving recidivism using the criminal history data of impaired driving offenders.

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Environmental Scan: Risk Factors for Delinquency among Young People from Official Language Minority Communities

The Forum on Vulnerable Young Francophones in Minority Communities who are at risk of becoming involved with the justice system brought together officials from federal institutions and representatives from community organizations to discuss the needs of this target population.

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Justiciable Problems and Social Exclusion

This paper examines the incidence and patterns of justiciable and non-legal problems among a group of highly disadvantaged people in Vancouver and Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

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Restitution in Saskatchewan

This study was initiated to gain a greater understanding of how restitution is working in Saskatchewan and to better understand the application of restitution orders as part of the sentencing process, including their impact on the system, victims and offenders.

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An Analysis of the use of the Faint Hope Clause

The purpose of this study is to understand how the ‘faint hope clause’ has been applied using an extract of data from the Correctional Service of Canada’s Offender Management System.

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The Efficacy of Incentive-Driven and Involuntary Treatments for Individuals Involved with the Criminal and Civil Justice Systems in Reducing Recidivism and Readmission to the Mental Health System

The purpose of this literature review was to assess the long-term effectiveness of treatments offered to individuals involved with the civil and criminal justice systems. Two research questions guided this project: (1) are incentive-driven and involuntary treatments effective at reducing recidivism and re-contact with the mental health system over the long-term? and (2) does the level of voluntariness (incentive-driven or involuntary) impact treatment effectiveness?

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Unrepresented Accused in Canadian Criminal Courts

This study examines the extent of unrepresented accused in Canadian criminal courts.

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Lives of Trouble: Criminal Offending and the Problems of Everyday Life

A report on data from the 2008 National Survey of Justiciable Problems, a random survey of 7002 Canadians 18 years of age and older conducted by telephone in January and February 2008.

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Hate as an Aggravating Factor in Sentencing in Canada

This study was conducted to examine how courts have applied hate as an aggravating factor at sentencing (section 718.2(a)(i) of the Criminal Code).

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DNA Orders Issued in Adult Criminal Court: A National DNA Utilization Study

The purpose of this research is to determine how often DNA orders are made in criminal courts across Canada (utilization rate) for both primary and secondary designated offence convictions, what factors are related to receiving a DNA order, the recidivism rate of offenders who have received a DNA order and the proportion of DNA orders made by the courts that do not result in a DNA flag on the offender’s Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) record.

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The Incidence of Justiciable Problems in Civil Matters in Canada: Three National Surveys in 2004, 2006 and 2008

A review of surveys from 2004, 2006 and 2008 on serious and difficult to resolve legal problems.

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Public Confidence in the Justice System

This report presents the findings from the Public Confidence in the Justice System Survey that was conducted in Canada in March 2007.

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The Role and Utility of the Preliminary Inquiry in the Canadian Criminal Justice System and the Impact of the Bill C-15A Amendments

The purpose of this study was to discover and present the views of participants in the criminal justice system regarding the role and utility of the preliminary inquiry.

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The Federal Victim Surcharge in the Northwest Territories

This study seeks to answer specific questions about the victim surcharge, which is an additional penalty automatically imposed on offenders at the time of sentencing. Such surcharges are used to help fund programs, services and assistance to victims of crime within the provinces and territories. 2008

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Youth Perspectives on their Experience of Custody and Reintegration in Canada

This report outlines how youth are spending their time in custody and the community and how this affected their experiences in the custodial facility and in the community.

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Police Classification of Sexual Assault Cases as Unfounded: An Exploratory Study

This report explores the proportion of sexual assault allegations that are classified as “unfounded” by police. The study was conducted using a file review methodology from four police services in British Columbia.

Highlights of this report are available in JustResearch no. 14.

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Historical Profile of Western Mackenzie Valley Drainage Basin Area's Mixed European-Indian Ancestry Community

Through the use of archival and published documents, this report explores the history of a European-Indian mixed-ancestry population in northeastern New Brunswick through the investigation of secondary and primary sources. Research was focused on the areas in and around Miramichi, Bathurst, Allardville and Saint-Quentin. This study examines the social history, demographic background, and interactions between Indigenous peoples and newcomers in the area.

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Historical Profile of the Northeastern New Brunswick Area's Mixed European-Indian Ancestry Community

Through the use of archival and published documents, this report explores the history of a European-Indian mixed-ancestry population in northeastern New Brunswick through the investigation of secondary and primary sources. Research was focused on the areas in and around Miramichi, Bathurst, Allardville and Saint-Quentin. This study examines the social history, demographic background, and interactions between Indigenous peoples and newcomers in the area.

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Historical Profile of the Côte-Nord Area’s Mixed European Indian or Mixed European Inuit Ancestry Community

Through the use of archival and published documents, this paper explores one of the selected geographic areas; the Côte-Nord region of Québec. This study examines the social history, demographic and genealogical background of the Côte-Nord European-Indian and European-Inuit ancestry population, as well as the distinctive cultural practices of the European-Indian and European-Inuit ancestry group.

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Historical Profile of the Cumberland Lake Area’s Mixed European-Indian Ancestry Community

Through the use of archival and published documents, this paper explores one of the selected geographic areas, the Cumberland Lake region of Ontario. This study examines the social history and demographic background of the Cumberland Lake European-Indian ancestry population, as well as the distinctive cultural practices of the European-Indian ancestry group.

Historical Profile of the James Bay Area’s Mixed European-Indian Ancestry Community

Through the use of archival and published documents, this paper explores one of the selected geographic areas, the James Bay region of Ontario. This study examines the social history and demographic background of the James Bay European-Indian ancestry population, as well as the distinctive cultural practices of the European-Indian ancestry group.

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Historical Profile of the Wabasca-Desmarais Area’s Mixed European-Indian Ancestry Community

Through the use of archival and published documents, this paper explores one of the selected geographic areas, the Wabasca-Desmarais region of Alberta. This study examines the social history and demographic background of the Wabasca-Desmarais European-Indian ancestry population, as well as the distinctive cultural practices of the European-Indian ancestry group.

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